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24/25 Fresher's Mailing List!

Follow the link below to enter your email to receive info about upcoming trips and socials!

Join Warwick Mountains!

We are the University of Warwick Mountaineering and Hiking Club. Our aim is to provide trips and activities to develop the skills of all students interested in Mountaineering and Hill Walking.

Meet the exec event

Thursday 26th September (Welcome week!)

6.30pm in PLT​

Come along to meet the exec and find more about our club! 

Trips in Term 1 2024/25

Socials in Term 1 24/25

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When we're not pushing our bodies to the limit on the mountain, we can often be found pushing our bodies to the limit in the pub! We organise a number of social events throughout the year, including the alcohol-fueled self-destruction of our annual Everest Challenge bar crawl, annual pub meals, BBQs and Christmas dinners, as well as relaxing day walks around the local area.

Keep updated on this terms social events by following us on social media!

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  • Facebook



Warwick Mountains

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